An unmatched satisfaction guarantee!
Repair Your Credit
90% of Americans across the country have errors or discrepancies on their credit report and don’t even know it. Are you one of them? If so, let US help YOU repair your credit and regain your confidence!
Monitor Your Credit
We help thousands of people each month, who need to improve their credit scores and eliminate hidden errors from their credit report. Some of our current members have seen their credit score average increase over 40 points!
Build Credit
Here at A&M Credit Repair we believe that everyone should get a second chance in fixing their credit. As leaders in the credit repair industry, AM Credit Repair draws on years of experience to help address these issues.
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Because we partner with all three credit bureaus: TransUnion, Equifax and Experian, we can help you remove these items on your credit report, including but not limited to: Collections, Late payments, Charge-Offs, Liens, Bankruptcies, Repossessions, Foreclosures, Judgments, and Child Support.
What's Affecting My Credit?
Handling collections can be very difficult, especially once they’ve landed on your credit report. Sadly, inaccurate or misleading collection accounts lower thousands of people’s scores every day. Due to clerical errors and miscommunications, creditors can claim an overdue debt and begin reporting you to a collection’s agency and multiple credit bureaus. You can pay off the collection agency but many times it is still labeled as a non-payment or can take up to a few months to update in the system all awhile severely jeopardizing your credit scores.
A&M Credit Repair has helped hundreds of clients with collection problems. We have improved and removed a percentage of negative items on customer’s credit reports. We contact creditors and the collection agencies directly on your behalf in order to dispute any discrepancies.
Late Payments
Late payments can have an unfavorable effect on your credit score. Merely one recent late payment on a single account can minimize a score by 15 to 40 points. Missing one payment cycle for all accounts in the same month period can produce a score to tank by 150 points or more. A 90-day late payment also factors deeply in your credit score and is about as harmful as a collection account, bankruptcy, tax lien, and/or judgement.
Our service levels help you challenge questionable late payments by providing creditor and credit bureau interventions. We consider all problems affecting your credit history and seize the issues to supply benefits as soon as possible.
To credit bureaus, charge-offs are reflective of irresponsible financial handling, and therefore, imply that you cannot be counted on to achieve your financial goals or obligations in the future. Most creditors will charge-off a debt after 180-days of non-payments. It is then referred to a collection’s agency which in turn, affects your credit score. Charge-offs always manage to land on credit reports of even the most credit worthy individuals. It signals to current and potential creditors that they are unlikely to pay back the money they loaned to you. Creditors can respond by raising your interest rate on your existing balances; potential creditors are also more likely to decline a loan application.
By allowing us to investigate and communicate with creditors and credit bureaus, we may be able to update the status of a charge-off and/or remove it completely from your credit report.
Bankruptcies can have a disastrous effect on your credit score. Bankruptcy listings on your report is an easy target for lenders to determine your credit worthiness and approval. Clerical errors, mistaken identities, and identity theft are just a few reasons why a bankruptcy item can be added to the wrong credit report.
People believe it’s impossible to remove bankruptcies from a credit report but the truth is EVERY questionable negative listing can be disputed and ultimately removed. Through effective credit bureau disputation and creditor interventions, A&M has done just that.
A&M should be the only credit repair company you consult if you’ve had a foreclosure on your record. Despite reported upswings in the housing market, foreclosures continue to be a huge problem for residents of the U.S. In a current database, it lists over 1.4 million homes struggling with the devastation of losing their homes. After a financial setback, foreclosures can make it extremely difficult to get back on your feet. The consequences lead to lower credit scores and higher rates for loans, insurance, etc. In most cases, you will qualify for new credit immediately after a foreclosure. The interest rates on your current credit cards may also rise as a result of the drop.
We have a proven track record and have been helping clients work to enhance their credit reports since 2008.
Clients who have trouble meeting their tax obligations may receive credit score consultation. As a result of new rules put forward from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), tax agencies place liens on consumers’ possessions, such as a home and/or car in an effort to recoup taxes they have yet to pay. These liens appear on your credit report for up to seven years and may restrain you from securing reasonable insurance, credit cards, and mortgage rates in the future.
Repossessions should not be taken lightly being that they can cause major damage to your credit score. When you finance or lease, the loan is normally secured against the vehicle itself. This means that your creditor or lessor holds specific rights to your possession until you’ve completed all loan payments or fulfilled your leasing obligation. If you should default on the loan, the lender has the right to repossess. It is important to be aware of contents of your specific contract and state law governing repossession because sometimes even one late payment may provide creditors the opportunity to legally repossess. If any rules are violated, you may be entitled to damages from the creditor or lessor. Some states require creditors or lessors to inform you of potential property seizures in advance.
Having a judgement on your credit report is one of the biggest negative hits to a credit score. Erasing judgments are not easy but it is imperative in order to help increase your credit score. A judgement is a piece of paper signed by a judge who has determined that you owe a debt after having had a lawsuit filed against you for that debt. Credit report agencies obtain their information directly from the courts. These agencies use outside vendors to collect information on people allowing them to gain access to court records and decisions. Documented judgements can remain on your credit file for 10 years, and can be renewed thereafter if the creditor chooses to.
Child Support
Many people find themselves in a financial burden due to responsibilities that they can’t afford. It’s unfair to have YOUR wages garnished or YOUR credit damaged or destroyed in the process because of a law pertaining to child support. A&M can help you fight for what you deserve.
Why Choose A&M?
“In less than 6 months A&M Credit Repair has made a huge difference in my credit score. I had 3 foreclosures and they were able to remove them ALL from my credit report. Soon after I was getting pre-approvals! Thank you, A&M!"
- Edwin Torres Fairfield, NJ
Quick & Easy
"I would recommend A&M Credit Repair to anyone who wants their credit fixed in a timely manner. My score has recovered so much in such a short period of time. After only a few weeks I saw my credit score improve dramatically!"
- Jose Perez Fort Worth, Texas
Reliable Specialists
"I love A&M! Every representative makes me feel like I matter. I always speak to an actual human being not just a telephone robot! The A&M team is knowledgeable and trustworthy; they answer all of my questions and concerns. With them, I know I’m not in this alone!”
-Vivian Martinez Newark, New Jersey
Who We Are
Angel Suero is a seasoned vet in the Credit Repair industry with nearly 10 years of experience. He first got involved in credit repair/consulting in 2008 when he discovered that his own identity had been stolen. After doing extensive research and communicating directly with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion he was able to remove ALL of the fraud from his credit report. His credit score jumped from a terrible 512 to an impressive 795! That’s a 278 point increase!
Soon after he was helping family, friends, and people just like YOU! Learning the trade because of his own unfortunate experience makes him relatable and compassionate to any situation. Angel has hand-picked each one of his employees to guarantee customer satisfaction. Every representative has several years' experience and has been trained to be understanding of client's needs and circumstance.
Fill Out the Form Below or Call Now
We Will Provide You With
- A personalized credit consultation with one of our top representatives.
- Thoroughly review your credit report and evaluate your score.
- A complete audit of all your accounts and a recommended solution.